
art research since 2k00


analogue_series#no.2k0023 – Certificate

Certificate of work 2k0023

Text of the certificate


. This is to certify that GeheimRat art-work
evidenced by this certificate is authentic

erwin liedke • gurlittstrasse 16 • 20099 hamburg • germany

This certification is a licence relevant signature of the art-work. The certificate holder #no.  /24-as2k0023
\_ name / surname o. company, e-mail, fax

has the non-exclusive licence to copy and multiply the artwork for a period of 12 month. Any copying or multiplying result has to be marked with the copyright_sign ©.
Unauthorized use is strictly forbidden.

Certified by (signature)

© copyright GeheimRat, 2003-02-27 (date)

NOMINAL VALUE: € 12.000,-
Deed Roll 292/2003 Wi
Dr. Dietrich Willemer, Hamburg
v. 2003-03-12 to 0-No.

powered [at]
+49.40.3603 869 907

Exhibition Display

Exhibition display  analogue_series#no.2k0023